

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Graduation Concert Nov'11

It's time for our school annual graduation concert.
This year it happened on Tuesday night, while past few years it's on Friday night.

This year is my graduation year, therefore this is my graduation concert.
Not like previous year, I was there to participate in dance performance only.
Still got dance performance this year and the song we choose is 月亮代表我的心。
We were requested to make our hair curly, wear long black stocking for the dance performance.

Mommy brought me to a salon for hairdo on Tuesday afternoon.
See, my hair turned into curly.

Mommy also bought me a bouquet of flower for my graduation.
Take a photo together with Ah Mah & 弟弟 as both of them will not be attended the ceremony.

The Stage decorated with balloons.
1st events was graduate students sing graduation song 红蜻蜓.
2nd, we all gave the "Papa and Mama" card to our parents.
Either papa or mommy has to came up the stage and get from us.

After that, it's graduate representative speech session in 3 languages.
I represented for Malay speech.

Our school dance performance:

The finale, each of the students got a t-shirt and Smurff pencil box.

Not to forget to take photo with my close friends and teachers.