

Monday, December 3, 2012

弟弟 Official First Day In School

Today mark a special day on 弟弟 diary. He officially enroll to nursery for N2.
Remember he did go for few days early this year when he was in N1. Unfortunately, he doesn't want to continue and mommy stop him for a while.
Now 弟弟 is going to four years old next year. He must go to school no matter how.
Surprisingly, he is ok this time. He walked in the school without tear. He still want to attach to mommy, but after a while mommy told him to go take his school bag. He is ok to allow mommy go out from his classroom.
After that, mommy left him with teacher and only back to fetch him after school.
When he saw mommy, he got 扁嘴 and like want to cry. Buy everything is just consider as smooth for this first day.
Let's see how his performance on the second day.

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