

Monday, April 21, 2014

Our First Kids' Bootcamp

Mommy started her bootcamp activity two months ago. That was with groupon promotion and mommy joined for one month.
The organization also provides kids' bootcamp. Last weekend, mommy brought us to the site and would like us to take a trial. However, the instructor said there is no trial session for kids and we have to pay for that session. So, mommy paid for 姐姐. 

Before start the exercise, took a photo with 姐姐

Unfortunately there was no other kids on that day. 姐姐 is the only one, with two instructors.
So, I was asked to join them. Mommy also been asked to join us when we play some games and did the exercise.
It's fun and 姐姐 and I like it very much. However, mommy is not going to let us join for long term.
May be just one awhile. This kids' bootcamp is actually for kids from 7-12.

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