

Monday, July 2, 2012

弟弟 First Music Class

Last weekend we brought 弟弟 to a trail music class.
This is his first music class.
We were early on that morning. The earlier session was not finish and we managed to see some kids singing there. 弟弟 didn't want to enter the class, he just sit outside and watch.

After a while the class ended and we were the first to arrive for the next session.
After all the kids dismissed, we went into the class. This time 弟弟 followed us went into the class and sit aside waiting for teacher to come.

As we were there to accompany 弟弟, he was able to follow teacher's instruction and enjoyed the class.

Following teacher instruction

 I was there to help 弟弟 as he can't really understand what teacher said.

After the class, we asked if he still want to go for music class.
His answer is: Yes, ai music.

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