

Friday, July 12, 2013

Carnival and Coloring Competition

It's 弟弟 school carnival on 22-Jun. The function is held at Gurney Paragon.
There is a coloring contest as well and 弟弟 has participated.

As this is also a carnival for children and parents, the coloring competition is actually can be helped by the parents for 3~6years category. So most of the parents are helping their kids on the coloring. Eventually this is like parents coloring competition.

All the kids ready for the coloring competition

弟弟joined 3-4years old category. He got a Pooh bear to color.

Looks serious on his coloring
 Oops, we don't have his finished work photo. 
After 弟弟 completed his coloring, we straight away head to the games' counter for fun!

Get ready to shoot, jie jie is teaching him

 After few games, it's time for group singing. We stopped for a while as 弟弟 need to join the singing.
Group singing 
The area is a bit crowded and all the parents are standing just in front of the children.
We can't even see 弟弟 as he is blocked by his classmates.

After the singing, we continue to play the games. 

弟弟 and the mascot

Photo with jie jie
 After all the games, we were tired. Let's have some cool yogurt : )

After yogurt, we have our dinner at Paragon as well. With this ended the carnival activity for 弟弟.

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