

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Jing Hang 5 months old update

弟弟 is 5 months old. Here are some updates on his progress.
He is 6.9kg, 64.5cm. I was just 7kg @ 1-year-old :p

But he still cannot turn over yet, I'm able to turn before I reached
4-month old. See below photo, mommy purposely put him like that,
but he didn't know to lift his head. The right photo is me @ 4mths+

Now 弟弟 can lift his head by his own
(last month still not able to do so)

弟弟 likes to "eat" his fingers and he likes to make "boo...." sound
like the video below.

弟弟 playing with his toys

See, 弟弟 is wearing my clothes now.
This clothes bought by 舅舅 when I was 1 year old.
弟弟 ....................... me

Photo with 弟弟.

1 comment:

姐姐,哥哥 and 弟弟 said...

Wow seeing both together is so sweet