

Monday, February 8, 2010

All Sick!!

While everybody is busy preparing for the Chinese New Year, we all fall sick!

First, I started to have fever on last Tuesday midnight. This time my temperature shoot up to 38.7'C which I never had this kind of high fever before.
Mommy brought me to see doctor and I took the paracetamol as prescribed. However after taken the medicine, my temperature didn't get lower, it maintain around 38 ~ 38.5'C. Therefore, mommy has to bring me to see doctor again over the midnight. It's 2am in the morning, no others choice. We have to go to HOPE. Luckily, not required to admit hospital. Due to the high temperature, the fastest way to lower the temperature is to insert Voren. I didn't cry as I know that I'm sick and I feel uncomfortable with the high temperature. Mommy said I can't sleep well when I've fever. Almost every half an hour I'll cried.

I recovered 3 days later. No more fever but still with cough & mild running nose. Then, it's 弟弟 turn. He started fever as well and his temperature even higher -- 39.4'C. Again, mommy has to bring him to HOPE as this happened in the midnight. Same treatment given to 弟弟.

弟弟 recovered faster than me. Now is mommy's turn. Mommy start to have running nose & cough. No fever yet.

Mommy has to cancel her weekend baking as all of us are sick.

Siblings -- not only we have company while having fun, we'll have company when we are sick.

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