

Monday, March 30, 2009


Posted by: Mommy

Thung started to learn English & Mandarin after going to nursery.
English is her main communication language as her form teacher & the teacher’s helper are Indian. While mandarin is her conversation between friends and other teachers, I believed.

Nowadays, she will try to speak English at home, in her own way. Sometimes nobody understands what she said, just those “ki li ku lu….” words from her.

Case 1:
Last weekend, a raining evening. She stood at the balcony’s window and looked outside.
Suddenly she ran towards me and said” Mommy, rain down”

I know what she meant.

She understand rain = 雨, down = 下
Therefore, 下雨 = rain down

Case 2:
No = 不要, 没有 see = 看
Therefore, 不要看 = no see
And, 看不到 = no see

This is part of her learning progress, I believe there will be more and more "english word" from Thung.

1 comment:

风行 *//Francine//* said...

Oh, i know what you mean. i found the same facinating speech pattern from my gal also.

She said '好'fun, which means she's having fun by combining words from both languages :)