

Friday, November 27, 2009

弟弟 7-month-old update

Finally, 弟弟 able to roll over completely by his own at 6.5months old.
Mommy was a bit worry as he still cannot 100% roll over by 6 months old, compared to me it has been late for 2 months. Furthermore, doctor told mommy if by 7months old still not able to do so, may need to check for 弟弟 brain development. (Don't know how?)

Mommy asked among her friends and found one of the record holder was 6months old. Now 弟弟 broke the record with 6.5months. Mommy said 弟弟 is kind of "slow" type and he is very slow. Let's see what is 弟弟 record for next milestone -- sitting. Mommy said I can sit steadily when I was 6mths+ but 弟弟 still need support to sit properly.
Photo taken on Jul-06 when I was 6.5months old.

Although 弟弟 can't sit by his own yet, he is able to sit on baby chair.
This has made mommy & papa much easier whenever we go to restaurant as they no need to take turn carry 弟弟.

Now I got 弟弟 company when I play

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