

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Sept'10 Holiday - Day 5~7

Day 5 ~ 7, we were at either Hong Kong island or peninsula.
Causeway Bay, Tsim Sha Tsui, Mong Kok...
The Lee Garden, Times Square, Wong Tai Sin, Avenue of Stars...

We took Star Ferry or MTR whenever we want to cross the sea.

Hong Kong...

At one of the mall in Tsim Sha Tsui
The Monchhichi, it's cute isn't it?

Avenue of Stars

It was hot...nobody wants to take photo except mommy.

The Wong Tai Sin temple was under renovation during our visit.
Therefore, we didn't go inside the main hall, we just took some photos outside the temple.

The last attraction that we visited before leaving Hong Kong -- Giant Buddha.
It was a last minute decision that mommy decided to be there while 舅舅 went for his shopping. By the time we reached, it's closed already. We were not allowed to climb up the stairs (don't think we able to make it even it's open)

This end our 7days holiday in Hong Kong.
So, what we missed from the list that mommy planned to visit?
Here they are: Madame Tussauds, Repulse Bay, Jumbo Kingdom, Symphony of Lights, Ngong Ping 360, Trams, Double Decker buses ride.
Bye Hong Kong...see you near future, since we missed so many attractive places & activities.

1 comment:

姐姐,哥哥 and 弟弟 said...

Nice photos, how did you do the collage? Must teach next time :)