

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

弟弟 down with fever - Roseola

弟弟 had sudden fever on Sunday's morning. His temperature always maintain at 37.8 ~ 38'C even after took the paracetamol. Although this is not high fever, the temperature just maintain there and won't go down. We can feel that his forehead, palm, foot are warm.

On Sunday midnight mommy brought 弟弟 to see 24 hrs clinic as his temperature still at level of 38'C after few prescription of medicine. Mommy doesn't really trust the 24hrs clinic but no choice as it was 2am in the midnight. The doctor told mommy 弟弟 throat is red and like infection. That's the reason caused 弟弟 fever. He gave 弟弟 antibiotic.

However, mommy didn't gave 弟弟 any of the antibiotic and on the next day morning brought 弟弟 to see his paediatric. This doctor told mommy 弟弟 throat is ok and no need to take antibiotic, just paracetamol will do. But if the fever didn't recover after 4 days, 弟弟 has to revisit.

弟弟 continue to take paracetamol but his fever still didn't recover. Fever make him feel uncomfortable and he has a decreased appetite. He refused to drink milk and water. To make sure he takes enough water, we have to mix fruit juice into the water for him. He also has mild diarrhea. Not really diarrhea as his bowel movement still once per day but his stools is watery.

This continue till Tuesday evening.
Mommy noticed that 弟弟 left eye is swollen a bit as 弟弟 has double eyelid now.
Therefore, mommy took 弟弟 to see my paediatric this round.
Dr Lim checked 弟弟 one round and he also mentioned 弟弟 throat has no problem. He started to check on 弟弟 body and try to find some reddish spots. He told mommy it could be Roseola. He even used the magnifier to check on the red spot he found on 弟弟 body. During the check up, there were 3 ~ 5 spots on 弟弟 body. Dr Lim told mommy it's Roseola and the rash will come up on the 4th day of fever. After that the fever will be ended. However, if rash didn't come up on the 4th day and the temperature didn't come down, 弟弟 has to come back for check up again.

On Wednesday evening, 弟弟 face start to see some reddish spots. We also found spots on his back. And 弟弟 also recovering, his temperature start to go down to normal and he has better appetite now.

Can you see the red spot on 弟弟 forehead, cheek & nose?

Hope 弟弟 will be fully recovered soon.

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