

Friday, June 10, 2011

What a great fall

I feel down on the floor last Sunday while I was running towards my room.
Immediately I stood up and walked into the room as I don't want mommy to know about the fall. Unfortunately mommy saw me fall down and she followed me to the room.
Inside the room, I was crying with hand holding on my face as it's too pain for me. My face knocked on the floor.
As I was crying, mommy looked into my mouth and found that my mouth was bleeding. I think I knocked on my mouth as well. Mommy asked me to gargle and clean my mouth, luckily the bleeding stopped. Mommy checked my teeth and there is no shaking tooth.

Still cannot stop more bleeding on mouth.

See my cheek turn reddish? That's the bruise spot.

On Wednesday, I told Ah Mah that my front tooth is shaking when I am eating.
Mommy came back from office and took me to see doctor as she thought the fall has caused my tooth loose. However, after the doctor checked on me, she said this might not due to the fall, it might be the time that want to change to permanent teeth. That fast? I'm just 5 years old. But doctor said this is about the time.

Mommy said must take a photo of my teeth before all change to permanent teeth.
The circle tooth is the one shaking right now.

See the greenish spot on my cheek? The bruise spot changed to green after few days.

1 comment:

Hui Ling said...

Luckily you are ok :)
Next time don't run too fast ya..